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We Are At War!
The Issues:
Proposed Reforms in Cuomo's Budget:


  $1.1 BIllion for education IF...
  • 50% of teacher evaluation is based on test scores
  • State given control over APPR, not union negotiated (50-35-15)
  • Classroom observations done by outside state employees
  • A 5-year probationary period for tenure (Must score within effective range all 5 years or no tenure)
  • Changes to due process
  • Any teacher ineffective 2 years consecutively - automatic dismissal
  • Eliminate teacher center funds
  • Merit pay (Incentivize high scoring teachers with $20,000 bonuses)
  • Education Tax Credit allows corporation and

Come to Herricks on Saturday, February 28 at 1 pm to see the Harlem Wizards vs. the Herricks Staff! Raffles, prizes and more! Tickets are $15 each, available through the website. See you 

Click Here for the Amazing Harlem Wizards at Herricks Promo Video!


Please read the email below from Andy Pallotta, NYSUT Executive Vice President. You can easily take action by clicking on the red circle and sending a message to lawmakers and educational leaders. 

Governor Cuomo has declared war on public schools. Join us in fighting back. 
New York State Allies for Public Education (NYSAPE), a coalition of 50 groups statewide, has sent a letter to the governor responding to the offensive, outrageous education questions he circulated in December. 
Now we need to support NYSAPE and let lawmakers and education leaders know that the governor's education agenda

At the BOE meeting on Thurs., Jan 8th:

  • It was announced that the Language Immersion program will begin in kindergarten in Sept. 2015. Meetings will be held for parents interested in enrolling children into the program. 
  • Gina Horton, M.S. Guidance Chair, gave a presentation on the new SAT Exam. These exams will be effective in the Spring of 2016. The new scale score will be 1600. The three sections include: Evidence Based Reading & Writing, Math and an optional Essay. The focus will be on deep thinking and problem solving. The Math portion will focus heavily on Algebra.
  • The BOE approved a contract



Dear Colleagues, 

In December, we invited you to join Take Action, Long Island (TALI) and other supporters of education in a campaign to support funding for public education. 


Thanks to your support, thousands of letters have been sent to our state legislators, congratulating them on their election and asking for their support on issues surrounding public education. We have timed those letters to appear in Albany over the next couple of days, welcoming our legislators to the important work of supporting public education. 


Tonight, we are asking you to join TALI once

Happy New Year! Hope you are enjoying the break and holidays with family and friends.
I wanted to update you on some information regarding teacher evaluations. Governor Cuomo has rejected legislation that for two years would have discounted Common Core-aligned student test scores in state-mandated teacher evaluations. Cuomo called the measure unnecessary and said he will propose reforms to the evaluation system next year.
It appears that Regent Tisch is planning to set up an APPR that will double down on the state assessment, takes local observation out of the hands of local school districts