At the BOE meeting on Thurs., Jan 8th:
- It was announced that the Language Immersion program will begin in kindergarten in Sept. 2015. Meetings will be held for parents interested in enrolling children into the program.
- Gina Horton, M.S. Guidance Chair, gave a presentation on the new SAT Exam. These exams will be effective in the Spring of 2016. The new scale score will be 1600. The three sections include: Evidence Based Reading & Writing, Math and an optional Essay. The focus will be on deep thinking and problem solving. The Math portion will focus heavily on Algebra.
- The BOE approved a contract for the new Supt. of Schools, Dr. Fino Celano. The contract is effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018.
- BOE President, Jim Gounaris, introduced the new superintendent. Dr. Celano commented that he was proud, humbled and excited to work among such great professionals, students and community. He also thanked the BOE for the confidence they placed in him.
- District Wise Search Consultants were thanked for helping to fill the positions of Asst. Supt. and Supt.
- Seven Teacher Mini-Grant Awards for 2014-2015 given by the Herricks Community Fund, totaling $9,450 were approved. The winners are:
- Lisa Parisi (Denton) - Creation Station/Maker Space
- Alysa Leonard & Cecelia Lee (MS) - Books & Beanbags
- Jodi Thompson (MS) - EReaders=More Readers; Readaway with a Playaway; With a Webcam, I Can
- Samantha Gerantabee (HS) - Bring Education to Life with 3D Printing; IPads for Information and Technology Literacy and Innovation 3.0
- D. Accardi, T.Baier,A. Semerdjian (HS) - English Scholars Program - Conference and Retreat
- High School Gardening Club (HS) - The Herricks High School Horticultural Project
- Christopher Brogan (HS) - Outfitting Herricks TV Studio Camera Crane
- Michael Tortoriello (HS) - Robotics
- The 2016-2017 School Calendar was reviewed and adopted
- The retirement of Supt, Dr. John Bierwirth, effective June 30, 2014 was approved.
- Jim Gounaris thanked Dr. Bierwirth for his years of dedicated service and all he did while at Herricks.
- Dr. Bierwirth mentioned that one of the things he enjoyed most during his tenure at Herricks was the opportunities that were given to students to "push the envelope" in new ways.
- Along with other attendees, I also thanked Dr. Bierwirth for his work throughout his tenure in Herricks. He afforded the students and members many opportunities to grow and have enriching experiences.
Hope you found this update informative.