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Poignant Video

A few weeks ago members of the Executive Council participated in the NYSUT 47th Annual Representative Assembly (RA) in Albany. We celebrated our strength and reaffirmed our commitment to building an even stronger and more united union.

At the RA, NYSUT President, Andy Pallotta, reminded us of an old proverb, saying, "I am standing in the shade of trees I did not plant. Those that formed this great union almost 50 years ago put down strong roots.  These roots have enabled us to weather our most recent storms and come out stronger.

As we look around our country, we see educators who've been on strike from West Virginia to Los Angeles.  For our newest members these strikes may seem foreign, but they built the foundation of this great union."

A poignant video highlighting the North Syracuse strike of 1976 was shown at the RA.  The leader of the strike, Sylvia Matousek, not only served time in prison defending our right to organize, but that strike actually resulted in the death of one of their members. The strike was a watershed moment in the fight for educators in New York, as captured in this tremendously moving video. " I encourage you to click on the link to view this powerful video.

During these trying times, remember our roots and our founders. Let's not forget where we came from and what it took to get us here. Unions are a story of sacrifice: of the blood, sweat and tears of our foremothers and forefathers.  It is a sacrifice that enables us all to sit in the shade of our great unions today.

The strength of each of us comes from all of us.
Stand United Stand Strong!

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