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GOTV for Herricks for School Budget Vote


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for Herricks School Budget Vote - Tuesday, May 16th
Last week's three budget card work sessions were a huge success! The PTA Budget Cards were cmpleted in two days and the HTA cards were done in one session. Thanks to all our volunteers! 

HTA Budget Vote Lawn Signs:

  • Are available at the HTA office. To arrange pick up of signs contact Sheila via phone (ext, 8981) or email:
  • In an effort to have reusable signs returned after the budget vote to the HTA office (Room 111 @ CC), we are offering an incentive
  • A five dollar ($5) Dunkin Donuts gift card will be given out for each returned reusable HTA lawn sign with attached stakes.

Virtual Phone Banks:

  • Will be held on Tues., Wed., Thurs., May 9th -11th from 6-8pm and Mon., May 15th from 6-8pm.
  • Calls can be made from any phone. Members need to only have access to a computer or mobile device to access login site, call list, script and information.
  • Specific information with access codes will be sent shortly.
  • HTA members who participate and make a minimum of twenty (20) calls will receive a ten dollar ($10) Dunkin' Donuts gift card

Thanks in advance for being proactive, getting involved and helping to GOTV for our School Budget.

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