Below is the list of this week's events which will have HTA representation by some or all of us.
Nidya Degliomini
Herricks Teachers' Association
Meetings and Events for Nov. 4 - Nov. 8, 2013
Mon., Nov. 4:
*Athletic Boosters Meeting - 7:00 p.m. H.S.
*Center Street "Night Out"
Tues., Nov. 5:
*HTA Executive Council Meeting 1:30 p.m. C.C. Room 214A
Wed., Nov. 6:
*PNC Meeting with Elementary Teachers - 4 p.m. C.C. Auditorium
*PNC Meeting - following meeting with Elementary teachers C.C. Room 214A
Thurs., Nov. 7
*BOE Meeting -7:15 p.m. C.C.