Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year! As we begin a new calendar year we have much to be proud of and many tasks ahead of us. My hope is that 2014 brings you good health, happiness and success in all you do. My utmost wish is that we continue to join together to build a strong HTA that always works, supports and is there for one another.
Below is a synopsis of the BOE Meeting on Jan. 9, 2014:
*BOE met with H.S. students.
*Students submitted questions prior to meeting. Various topics discussed included: Common Core, cuts in programs, large class sizes, Tax Cap, Testing, lunch menu and portions, drug usage by students.
*Regular BOE meeting followed
Herricks Community Fund Mini Grants Awarded totaled: $16,000+
*Jim Gounaris spoke at NYSED Board Seminar
*Herricks BOE's stance against InBloom was reiterated
Last Fri., Jan 10th the HTA's Professional Negotiation Committee started formal negotiations with the BOE on the Teachers' and Teaching Assistants' Contracts. We met, exchanged proposals and have several other meetings scheduled over the next few weeks. This is a difficult and often lengthy process. Our team will work together diligently to try to negotiate fair and reasonable successor agreements. I have total confidence in our PNC's commitment and dedication to do what is right for all our members.
I appreciate the respect you have in the process and knowledge that we cannot discuss any particulars or matters concerning deliberations as that would hinder what we are trying to accomplish. Thanks again for the confidence and support you place in us.
In unity,
Nidya Degliomini
Herricks Teachers' Association